A State Of Trance 993
- ALPHA 9 - Stellar [Anjunabeats]
- PROGRESSIVE PICK: ANUQRAM - Sirocco (Lee Coulson Remix) [Statement! Armada]
- Fatum feat. Dylan Matthew - Train To Nowhere (Gareth Emery Remix) [Ophelia]
- FUTURE FAVORITE: Ahmed Helmy - Till We Meet Again
- WhiteLight - Kingdom Of Illusions [Suanda Base]
- Tritonal, Dylan Matthew, Au5 - Happy Where We Are (ilan Bluestone Remix) [Enhanced Music]
- TUNE OF THE WEEK: Armin van Buuren & Avalan - Should I Wait (Live) [Armada Music]
- Armin van Buuren feat. Jake Reese - Need You Now (AVIRA Remix) [Armind]
- Alexander Popov – Poem [A State Of Trance]
- Vadim Spark - The Escape [Suanda Progressive]
- Signum feat. Scott Mac - Coming On Strong (ReOrder Remix) [A State Of Trance]
- Tempo Giusto - The Oasis [Who's Afraid Of 138?!]
- Prox - Equilibrium [Always Alive]
- Giuseppe Ottaviani - Spellbound [Black Hole Recordings]
- SERVICE FOR DREAMERS: Armin van Buuren feat. Rock Mafia - Hands To Heaven [Armind]
- Tom Boldt - Sophie [Statement!]
- York - On The Beach (Kryder Remix) [Armada Music]
- Johan Gielen & Marco V - Timeless [Perfecto Records]
- Dan Thompson x Solis & Sean Truby - The Path We Take [Nocturnal Knights Music]
- Somna & Davey Asprey - Timewarp [AVA Recordings]
- Greg Downey – Loco (Beatman & Ludmilla Remix) (Taken from The Art of Skullduggery vol. 2) [Skullduggery]
- Beatman & Ludmilla – Sivam (Greg Downey Remix) (Taken from The Art of Skullduggery vol. 2) [Skullduggery]
- Greg Downey – London Calling (Taken from The Art of Skullduggery vol. 2) [Skullduggery]
- Greg Downey – Rendez Vous (Taken from The Art of Skullduggery vol. 2) [Skullduggery]
- Michael Kaelios – Who Am I (Greg Downey Rework) [Skullduggery]
- Jesper Olesen - Renaissance (Sandro Mireno Remix) [Synchronized]
- DJ T.H. & Shuba - Paradise [inHarmony Music]
- A.R.D.I. - Undercover [AVA Recordings]
- Paul Denton - Moonwalker [Outburst Records]